Camilan khas Western (Western snacks)
Asal Program
Go Global 2022
Perizinan dan Sertifikasi
NIB, BPOM, NPWP, PIRT, Halal MUI, SK Pendirian, HAKI dan Hak Merk.
Jl. Sentaurus no. 10, Kel. Tlogomas, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144, jawa timur
Kapasitas Produksi per Bulan
7.500 - 9.000 pcs
Cissipizza, usaha milik Rita Dyana Melati dan Fildesman asal Malang sudah berdiri sejak 2013. Cissipizza merupakan produk dengan mengusung tema Italian dan Western dimana produk utamanya adalah pizza, sedangkan produk penunjang berupa pasta dan makanan pendamping (camilan). Masing masing kategori produk tersebut memiliki aneka ragam varian. Cissipizza hadir untuk memberikan alternatif kuliner lezat dan higienis di tengah beragamnya produk kuliner di masyarakat. Produk dari Cissipizza memiliki adonan yang tipis sehingga tidak membuat penikmat eneg dengan harga yang terjangkau, banyak varian topping hingga keju yang melimpah. Cissipizza juga hadir dengan kemasan frozen. Produk andalannya yakni Spicy Pomodoro karena memiliki rasa pedas dan kaya akan daging, Meatlovers karena memiliki topping yang bervariasi dan cocok dengan lidah orang indonesia dan Italian Classic karena menu otentik khas Italia. Bagi Anda penikmat makanan khas Western ini, buruan pesan Cissipizza di Shopee atau Tokopedia.
Cissipizza, a business owned by Rita Dyana Melati and Fildesman from Malang, has been established since 2013. Cissipizza is a product with Italian and Western themes where the main product is pizza, while supporting products are pasta and side dishes (snacks). Each product category has a variety of variants. Cissipizza is here to provide delicious and hygienic culinary alternatives amidst the variety of culinary products in society. Products from Cissipizza have a thin dough so that it doesn't make connoisseurs sick at an affordable price, many variants of toppings to an abundance of cheese. Cissipizza also comes with frozen packaging. Its flagship products are Spicy Pomodoro because it has a spicy taste and is rich in meat, Meatlovers because it has varied toppings and suits the tongue of Indonesians and Italian Classic because it has an authentic Italian menu. For those of you who are connoisseurs of Western specialties, hurry up and order Cissipizza at Shopee atau Tokopedia.
Minimum Order Quantity untuk ekspor
50 kg
Durasi masa tunggu pemenuhan pesanan
6-12 bulan (6-12 months)
INCOTERM yang diminati
Juara 3 Pitching Proposal Investasi Kementerian Koperasi UKM - 2022 Semifinalis Superpreneur (by Djarum) - 2022 Semifunalis UKM Berprestasi Jawa Timur - 2022 Juara 3 Healtypreneur Ladang Lima - 2022, mendapat pendanaan pengadaan booth dengan konsep Street Pizza di 20 lokasi di beberapa kota di Indonesia, berpartisipasi dalam Nusantara Festival UMKM sebagai tenant UKM yang berhasil meraih Akses Investasi yang dihadiri bapak presiden RI dan Menteri Koperasi dan UKM, berpartisipasi sebagai tenant booth Supersoccer oleh Djarum Super pada Desember 2022 (3rd Place in Pitching Investment Proposal Ministry of Cooperatives UKM - 2022 Semifinalist Superpreneur (by Djarum) - 2022 Semifinalist UKM with Achievement East Java - 2022 3rd Place Healtypreneur Ladang Lima - 2022, received funding to procure booths with the concept of Street Pizza in 20 locations in several cities in Indonesia, participated in the Nusantara Festival UMKM as a UKM tenant who succeeded in achieving Investment Access which was attended by the Indonesian president and the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, participated as a Supersoccer booth tenant by Djarum Super in December 2022)