Kwacis Mom Cookies
Kwacis Mom Cookies
Kwacis Mom Cookies
Kwacis Mom Cookies
Kwacis Mom Cookies

Kwacis Mom Cookies


Kue kering sehat berbahan bebas gluten (Gluten-free cookies)

Asal Program

Go Global 2022

Perizinan dan Sertifikasi

NIB, PIRT, Halal


Jl. Wiguna Selatan 14 No. 95 RT 05 RW 05 Kel. Gunung Anyar Tambak, Kec. Gunung Anyar Surabaya 60297, jawa timur

Kapasitas Produksi per Bulan

800 pcs @80 gr


Kwacis Mom Cookies, usaha asal Surabaya milik Elana Agustin yang berdiri sejak 2019, bergerak di bidang kuliner. Kwacis Mom Cookies menawarkan produk kue kering sehat berbahan bebas gluten dengan kebaikan 7 aneka biji-bijian di dalamnya yaitu wijen, wijen hitan, biji labu, biji bunga matahari, flax seed, chia seed dan almond dengan menggunakan gula palem sebagai penambah cita rasa membuat kue kering ini selain kaya antioksidan juga tinggi serat sehingga sangat direkomendasikan untuk yang sedang diet, alergi gluten, ibu hamil, ibu menyusui, orang yang aktif ataupun masa pertumbuhan. Kue renyah yang kaya antioksidan dan tinggi serat membantu untuk mood dan ASI booster. Meski saat ini hanya ada satu varian Original, harga yang ditawarakan cukup terjangkau. Jika Anda ingin ngemil tapi tetap sehat, Anda bisa beli produknya di Shopee.


Kwacis Mom Cookies, a business from Surabaya owned by Elana Agustin which was established in 2019, is engaged in the culinary field. Kwacis Mom Cookies offers healthy gluten-free pastry products with the goodness of 7 various seeds in them, namely sesame, black sesame, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds and almonds using palm sugar as a flavor enhancer to make these pastries Besides being rich in antioxidants, it is also high in fiber, so it is highly recommended for those on a diet, gluten allergies, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who are active or growing up. Crispy cookies which are rich in antioxidants and high in fiber help to boost mood and breast milk. Although currently there is only one Original variant, the price offered is quite affordable. For those who crave for snacks and stay healthy, you can find their products at Shopee.

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Minimum Order Quantity untuk ekspor

500 pcs

Durasi masa tunggu pemenuhan pesanan

2 minggu (2 weeks)

INCOTERM yang diminati

Ex Works


Juara Favorit Taste Healthypreneur Ladang Lima 2022, produk baru hasil karya dari kompetisi Healthyprenenur Ladang Lima 2022 (Champion of Favorite Taste Healthypreneur Ladang Lima 2022, a new product created from the Healthypreneur Ladang Lima 2022 competition)