


Mainan anak dari bahan natural (Children toys from natural materials)

Asal Program

Go Global 2022

Perizinan dan Sertifikasi



Jalan H. Agus Salim, Perumahan Citra Persada Blok T No.10 Kaliawi Persada, Tanjung Karang Pusat, Bandar Lampung 35115, lampung

Kapasitas Produksi per Bulan

4000 pcs


Littlemonq adalah usaha asal Bandar Lampung milik Dian Rizki Hidayati sejak 2020 yang membuat mainan dari bahan natural seperti kayu yang didesain khusus untuk perkembangan anak. Terinspirasi dari metode pendidikan anak usia dini Montessori, Waldorf, dan Reggio Emilia, mainan Littlemonq dapat merangsang imajinasi, rasa ingin tahu, dan kreativitas anak. Warna-warni stain unik khas Littlemonq dapat memancarkan gurat dan tekstur alami kayu dengan artistik sekaligus menjadi rangsangan taktil yang menarik untuk anak. Dibuat oleh tangan terampil pengrajin Nusantara, Littlemonq tidak hanya menyajikan mainan kayu kualitas terbaik untuk buah hati Anda, tetapi juga menghadirkan mainan yang dapat memperindah dekorasi rumah. Dengan bersertifikat SNI yang menjamin keamanan untuk anak-anak, Littlemonq juga estetik dan unik karena dibuat handmade serta menggunakan pewarna stain yang masih menunjukkan keindahan gurat dan tekstur alami kayu. Selain indah, tekstur kayu yang masih terasa juga menjadi rangsangan taktil yang menarik untuk anak. Pewarnaan stain seperti ini sangat jarang ditemui di mainan lokal sejenis, yang seringnya ditemui di mainan buatan Eropa. Ukurannya cocok untuk usia anak, misal jika mainan diperuntukkan untuk usia di bawah 3 tahun maka ukurannya besar & tidak rawan tersedak. Beberapa mainan lokal sejenis berukuran kecil-kecil padahal usia rekomendasi yang cocok sesuai perkembangan anak untuk memainkan permainan tersebut di bawah 3 tahun. Program #PlantWithLittlemonq di mana konsumen turut berkontribusi dalam pencegahan perubahan iklim dengan mendonasikan 1 pohon setiap pembelian produk tertentu. Littlemonq menggunakan kayu kualitas terbaik dan bersumber dari supplier bertanggung jawab dibuktikan dengan sertifikat SVLK. Mainan Littlemonq mudah didapat melalui channel marketplace baik Tokopedia Official Store, Shopee Mall, maupun Etsy untuk konsumen luar negeri. Littlemonq juga memiliki puluhan reseller di 9 negara (Indonesia, Australia, Singapura, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Norwegia dan Amerika Serikat) sebagai salah satu saluran distribusi.


Littlemonq is a business from Bandar Lampung owned by Dian Rizki Hidayati since 2020 which has been making toys from natural materials such as wood specifically designed for children's development. Inspired by Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia early childhood education methods, Littlemonq toys can stimulate imagination, sense of curiosity, and children's creativity. Littlemonq's unique unique stain colors can artistically reflect the lines and natural texture of wood as well as being an attractive tactile stimulus for children. Made by skilled hands of Indonesian craftsmen, Littlemonq does not only present the best quality wooden toys for children You, but also presents toys that can beautify home decor. With an SNI certificate that guarantees safety for children, Littlemonq is also aesthetic and unique because it is handmade and uses stain coloring which still shows the beauty of the lines and natural texture of wood. Apart from being beautiful, the texture of wood which still feels also to be ra Interesting tactile stimulation for children. Stain coloring like this is very rarely found in similar local toys, which are often found in toys made in Europe. The size is suitable for the age of the child, for example, if a toy is intended for children under 3 years of age, then it is large and not prone to choking. Some similar local toys are small even though the recommended age is suitable according to the development of children to play these games under 3 years. The #PlantWithLittlemonq program where consumers contribute to preventing climate change by donating 1 tree for every purchase of certain products. Littlemonq uses the best quality wood sourced from responsible suppliers, proven by the SVLK certificate. Littlemonq toys are easy to get through marketplace channels such as Tokopedia Official Store, Shopee Mall, and Etsy for overseas consumers. Littlemonq also has dozens of resellers in 9 countries (Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Norway and the United States) as a distribution channel.

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Minimum Order Quantity untuk ekspor

Dengan merek 10 pcs per SKU, white label 100 pcs per desain/SKU (10 pcs per SKU with brand 1, 100 pcs per design/SKU for white label)

Durasi masa tunggu pemenuhan pesanan

6 minggu (6 weeks)

INCOTERM yang diminati

Ex Works


Juara pertama W20 Sispreneur Business Competition 2022 – XL Axiata & KemenPPPA RI, 3 Terbaik Industri Kecil & Menengah Lagawi Fest 2022 – Kemenperin RI, pemenang Kotex She Can Fund 2022, Finalis Terbaik Apresiasi Kreasi Indonesia (AKI) 2021 – Kemenparekraf RI, 16 Terbaik Diplomat Success Challenge (DSC) 2021 – Wismilak Foundation, pernah mengikuti pameran Atlanta Market at AmericasMart, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - 2022, Trade Expo Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia - 2021 & 2022, Inacraft, Jakarta - 2022, IKEA Teras Indonesia - 2022, Apresiasi Kreasi Indonesia, Bandar Lampung - 2021, Puncak Apresiasi Kreasi Indonesia, Jakarta - 2022, G20 Side Event: W20 Summit at Danau Toba - 2022, diliput oleh media, Kumparan, Gadgetdiva, W20 Indonesia, pernah berkolaborasi dengan Enfagrow di mana Enfagrow membeli produk Littlemonq sebanyak 3000 pcs untuk bundling dengan produk susu anak, pernah dipakai selebritas tanpa endorse (mereka membeli sendiri): dorippu (Andori Toegiono), miqdadsy (Miqdad Addausy), Rurin Nirmala serta memiliki 30 reseller di 9 negara seluruh dunia (First winner of the W20 Sispreneur Business Competition 2022 – XL Axiata & KemenPPPA RI, 3 Best Small & Medium Industries Lagawi Fest 2022 – Indonesian Ministry of Industry, winner of Kotex She Can Fund 2022, Best Finalist for Appreciating Indonesian Creation (AKI) 2021 – Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 16 Best Diplomat Success Challenge (DSC) 2021 – Wismilak Foundation, has participated in the Atlanta Market at AmericasMart exhibition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA - 2022, Trade Expo Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia - 2021 & 2022, Inacraft, Jakarta - 2022, IKEA Teras Indonesia - 2022, Creation Appreciation Indonesia, Bandar Lampung - 2021, Peak of Indonesian Creation Appreciation, Jakarta - 2022, G20 Side Event: W20 Summit at Lake Toba - 2022, covered by media, Kumparan, Gadgetdiva, W20 Indonesia, has collaborated with Enfagrow where Enfagrow bought Littlemonq products totaling 3000 pcs for bundling with children's milk products, have been used by celebrities without endorsement (they bought them themselves): dorippu (Andori Toegiono), miqdadsy (Miqdad Addausy), Rurin Nirmala and has 30 resellers in 9 countries around the world)